API Inc. Asbestos Trust Fund: Claim Types, Payments and Legal Options

Dive into a comprehensive guide on the API, Inc. Asbestos Settlement Trust, its purpose, functions, and the process of submitting and resolving claims related to asbestos exposure.

Introduction to API Inc. Asbestos Trust

Welcome to your guide on the API, Inc. Asbestos Settlement Trust. Designed to address personal injuries stemming from asbestos exposure, this trust serves those affected by products or operations associated with API, Inc.

API Inc. Asbestos Trust Purpose and Functions

The API, Inc. Asbestos Settlement Trust is meticulously structured to ensure that valid personal injury claims attributed to asbestos-associated products or operations of API, Inc. are addressed and compensated. This trust acts as a beacon of support, channeling the necessary resources to help victims of asbestos exposure get the restitution they deserve.

API Inc. Asbestos Trust Claim Submission and Resolution

Navigating the claim process might seem daunting. However, with the correct information and understanding, it can be streamlined. This platform clarifies how claims are made, processed, and settled. If you or your loved one has faced asbestos-related injuries due to API, Inc., this trust stands by to assist, ensuring each valid claim is resolved efficiently.

API Inc. Asbestos Trust Current Payment by Claim Type

Current payment amounts for each type of claim:

Mesothelioma Claims:

  • Expedited Review: $117,087
  • Individual Review: $316,250
  • Ratio*: 22.0%

Lung Cancer Claims:

  • Expedited Review: $44,777
  • Individual Review: $137,050
  • Ratio*: 22.0%

* The trust funds ensure a fixed percentage of compensation known as a "ratio", which reserves funds for potential future victims based on the claim's worth.

API Inc. Asbestos Products

  • Insulation Products

Asbestos Law Firms Near You

National law firms, with their experience in handling cases and trust fund claims across the country, can be a smart choice. Opting for a nationwide firm means you'll have a team of lawyers who know the ins and outs of asbestos cases in every state. They'll figure out the best place to file your claim and make sure it's done within the legal deadlines, all to get you the maximum possible compensation.

Morgan & Morgan is Helping Asbestos Victims for Over 40 Years

America's largest personal injury firm fighting for mesothelioma victims nationwide.