Navy Veterans & Asbestos Exposure & Mesothelioma
Navy bases, shipyards, and ships with documented asbestos exposure linked to Navy veteran mesothelioma and lung cancer.
Asbestos Exposure by Vessel Type
Repair Ships- USS Ajax (AR-6)
- USS Amphion (AR-13)
- USS Cadmus (AR-14)
- USS Hector (AR-7)
- USS Jason (ARH-1, AR-8)
- USS Klondike (AD-22, AR-22)
- USS Vulcan (AR-5)
- USS Baltimore (CA-68)
- USS Belknap (DLG-26, CG-26)
- USS Canberra (CA-70, CAG-2)
- USS Chicago (CA-136, CG-11)
- USS Cleveland (CL-55)
- USS Columbus (CA-74, CG-12)
- USS Helena (CA-75)
- USS Leahy (CG-16, DLG-16)
- USS Newport News (CA-148)
- USS Northampton (CLC-1)
- USS Roanoke (CL-145)
- USS Rochester (CA-124)
- USS Saint Paul (CA-73)
- USS Springfield (CL-66)
- USS Wainwright (DLG-28, CG-28)
- USS William H Standley (DLG-32, CG-32)
- USS Bang (SS-385)
- USS Benjamin Franklin (SSBN-640)
- USS Bluegill (SS-242, SSK-242)
- USS Bream (SS-243)
- USS Casimir Pulaski (SSBN-633)
- USS Cobbler (SS-344)
- USS Corsair (SS-435)
- USS Crevalle (SS-291)
- USS Cubera (SS-347)
- USS Dace (SSN-607)
- USS George Bancroft (SSBN-643)
- USS Haddo (SSN-604)
- USS James Madison (SSBN-627)
- USS Kamehameha (SSBN-642)
- USS Lafayette (SSBN-616)
- USS Lewis & Clark (SSBN-644)
- USS Mariano G. Vallejo (SSBN-658)
- USS Muskallunge (SS-262)
- USS Nautilus (SSN-571)
- USS Pargo (SSN-650)
- USS Pomfret (SS-391)
- USS Scamp (SSN-588)
- USS Sculpin (SSN-590)
- USS Sirago (SS-485)
- USS Skipjack (SSN-585)
- USS Sterlet (SS-392)
- USS Sturgeon (SSN-637)
- USS Trout (SS-566)
- USS Ulysses B. Grant (SSBN-631)
- USS Woodrow Wilson (SSBN-624, SSN-624)
- USS Achernar (AKA-53)
- USS Bushnell (AS-15)
- USS Butte (AE-27)
- USS Canopus (AS-34)
- USS Capricornus (AKA-57, LKA-57)
- USS Cascade (AD-16)
- USS Castor (AKS-1)
- USS Chandeleur (AV-10)
- USS Chemung (AO-30)
- USS Cimarron (AO-22)
- USS Currituck (AV-7)
- USS Edisto (AG-89, AGB-2, WAGB-284)
- USS Frigate Bird (MSC-191)
- USS Frontier (AD-25)
- USS Gayety (AM-239)
- USS Hamul (AK-30, AD-20)
- USS Holland (AS-32)
- USS Incredible (AM-249)
- USS Interpreter (AGR-14)
- USS Klondike (AD-22, AR-22)
- USS L.Y. Spear (AS-36)
- USS Liberty (AGTR-5)
- USS Lookout (AGR-2)
- USS Maury & Renate (AGS-16, AKA-36)
- USS Merrimack (AO-179)
- USS Orion (AS-18)
- USS Piedmont (AD-17)
- USS Proteus (AS-19)
- USS Puget Sound (AD-38)
- USS Richard E. Kraus (DD-849, AG-151)
- USS Sabine (AO-25)
- USS San Pablo (AVP-30, AGS-30)
- USS Severn (AO-61)
- USS Shenandoah (AD-26)
- USS Shenandoah (AD-44)
- USS Sierra (AD-18)
- USS Simon Lake (AS-33)
- USS Thor (ARC-4), ex: Vanadis (AKA-49)
- USS Tidewater (AD-31)
- USS Whiteside (AKA-90)
- USS Yellowstone (AD-27)
- USS Yosemite (AD-19)
- USS Abbot (DD-629)
- USS Ammen (DD-527)
- USS Barney (DDG-6)
- USS Bausell (DD-845)
- USS Belknap (DLG-26, CG-26)
- USS Benham (DD-796)
- USS Blandy (DD-943)
- USS Blue (DD-744)
- USS Boyd (DD-544)
- USS Bristol (DD-857)
- USS Brush (DD-745)
- USS Buck (DD-761)
- USS Capterton (DD-650)
- USS Charles F. Adams (DD-952, DDG-2)
- USS Charles P. Cecil (DD-835)
- USS Charles R Ware (DD-865)
- USS Chauncey (DD-667)
- USS Collett (DD-730)
- USS Cony (DD-508)
- USS Coontz (DLG-9, DDG-40)
- USS Cowell (DD-547)
- USS Damato (DD-871)
- USS Dashiell (DD-659)
- USS Davis (DD-937)
- USS Decatur (DD-936, DDG-31)
- USS DeHaven (DD-727)
- USS Doyle (DD-494, DMS-34)
- USS Du Pont (DD-941)
- USS English (DD-696)
- USS Everett F. Larson (DD-830)
- USS Eversole (DD-789)
- USS Fiske (DDR-842)
- USS Gainard (DD-706)
- USS George K. MacKenzie (DD-836)
- USS Gherardi (DD-637, DMS-30)
- USS Gridley (DLG-21)
- USS Hanson (DD-832)
- USS Haynsworth (DD-700)
- USS Holder (DD-819)
- USS J.E. Kyes (DD-787)
- USS John Paul Jones (DD-932, DDG-32)
- USS Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. (DD-850)
- USS King (DL-10, DLG-10, DDG-41)
- USS Leahy (CG-16, DLG-16)
- USS Lyman K Swenson (DD-729)
- USS McNair (DD-679)
- USS Nicholas (DD-449)
- USS O'Bannon(DD-450)
- USS Ozbourn (DD-846)
- USS Parsons (DD-949, DDG-33)
- USS Perry (DD-844)
- USS Power (DD-839)
- USS Pritchett (DD-561)
- USS Renshaw (DD-499)
- USS Richard E. Kraus (DD-849, AG-151)
- USS Robert A. Owens (DDK-827, DDE-827, DD-827)
- USS Robert H. McCard (DD-822)
- USS Robert H. Smith (DD-735, DM-23)
- USS Robert L. Wilson (DDE-847)
- USS Sellers (DDG-11)
- USS Semmes (DDG-18)
- USS Shannon (DD-737, DM-25, MMD-25)
- USS Somers (DD-947, DDG-34)
- USS Stormes (DD-780)
- USS Stribling (DD-867)
- USS Theodore E. Chandler (DD-717)
- USS Towers (DDG-9)
- USS Trathen (DD-530)
- USS Turner Joy (DD-951)
- USS Waddell (DDG-24)
- USS Wainwright (DLG-28, CG-28)
- USS Walker (DD-517)
- USS Wallace L. Lind (DD-703)
- USS William H Standley (DLG-32, CG-32)
- USS William M. Wood (DD-715)
- USS Achernar (AKA-53)
- USS Cabildo (LSD-16)
- USS Capricornus (AKA-57, LKA-57)
- USS Catamount (LSD-17)
- USS Churchill County (LST-583)
- USS Custer (APA-40)
- USS Denver (LPD-9)
- USS Duluth (LPD-6)
- USS Fort Marion (LSD-22)
- USS Guam (LPH-9)
- USS Harlan County (LST-1196)
- USS Henrico (APA-45)
- USS Kephart (DE-207, APD-6)
- USS La Salle (LPD-3)
- USS Maury & Renate (AGS-16, AKA-36)
- USS Menard (APA-201)
- USS Monticello (LSD-35)
- USS Okanogan (APA-220)
- USS Paul Revere (APA-248)
- USS Point Defiance (LSD-31)
- USS Princeton (CV-37, CVA-37, CVS-37, LPH-5)
- USS Renville (APA-227)
- USS Rockbridge (APA-228)
- USS San Marcos (LSD-25)
- USS Spiegel Grove (LSD-32)
- USS Stone County (LST-1141)
- USS Talladega (APA-208)
- USS Thetis Bay (CVE-90, CVHA-1, LPH-6)
- USS Tuscaloosa (LST-1187)
- USS Valley Forge (CV-45, CVA-45, CVS-45, LPH-8)
- USS Waldo County (LST-1163, T-LST-1163)
- USS Weiss (APD-135, LPR-135)
- USS Whiteside (AKA-90)
- USS America (CV-66, CVA-66)
- USS Bataan (CVL-29, AVT-4)
- USS Bon Homme Richard (CV-31)
- USS Boxer (CV-21)
- USS Constellation (CV-64)
- USS Coral Sea (CV-43)
- USS Enterprise (CVAN-65)
- USS Essex (CV-9)
- USS Forrestal (CVA-59)
- USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CV-42)
- USS Hornet (CV-12)
- USS Independence (CVA-62)
- USS Intrepid (CV-11, CVA-11, CVS-11)
- USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67)
- USS Kitty Hawk (CVA-63)
- USS Lexington (CVA-16, CVS-16, CVT-16, AVT-16)
- USS Midway (CVB-41, CVA-41, CV-41)
- USS Monterey (CVL-26)
- USS Nimitz (CVN-68)
- USS Oriskany (CV-CVA-34)
- USS Philippine Sea (CV-47, CVA-47, CVS-47, AVT-11)
- USS Princeton (CV-37, CVA-37, CVS-37, LPH-5)
- USS Randolph (CV-15, CVA-15, CVS-15)
- USS Ranger (CV-61)
- USS Saratoga (CV-60, CVA-60, CVB-60)
- USS Savo Island (CVE-78)
- USS Shangri-La (CV-38, CVA-38, CVS-38)
- USS Ticonderoga (CV-14, CVA-14, CVS-14)
- USS Valley Forge (CV-45, CVA-45, CVS-45, LPH-8)
- USS Windham Bay (CVE-92)
- USS Yorktown (CV-10, CVA-10, CVS-10)
- USS Belknap (DLG-26, CG-26)
- USS Chicago (CA-136, CG-11)
- USS Columbus (CA-74, CG-12)
- USS Coontz (DLG-9, DDG-40)
- USS Gridley (DLG-21)
- USS King (DL-10, DLG-10, DDG-41)
- USS Leahy (CG-16, DLG-16)
- USS Wainwright (DLG-28, CG-28)
- USS William H Standley (DLG-32, CG-32)
- USS Bridget (CDE-1024)
- USS Brough (DE-148)
- USS Cannon (DE-99)
- USS Charles E. Brannon (DE-446)
- USS Cromwell (DE-1014)
- USS Douglas A. Munro (DE-422)
- USS Edmonds (DE-406)
- USS Evans (DE-1023)
- USS Glover (AGDE-1 FF-1098)
- USS Greenwood (DE-679)
- USS Haverfield (DER-393)
- USS Heyliger (DE-510)
- USS Howard D. Crow (DE-252)
- USS Kenneth M. Willett (DE-354)
- USS Kephart (DE-207, APD-6)
- USS Lang (DE-1060)
- USS Liddle (DE-206)
- USS Lockwood (DE-1064, FF-1064)
- USS Newell (DE-322, DER-322)
- USS Pillsbury (DE-133, DER-133)
- USS Snowden (DE-246)
- USS Swasey (DE-248)
Asbestos Exposure in Shipyards
AlabamaCalifornia- Mare Island Naval Shipyard
- National Steel & Shipbuilding Shipyard
- Todd Shipyard
- Western Pipe & Steel
- Richmond Shipyard
- Consolidated Steel Shipyard
- Consolidated Steel Shipyard
- Moore Dry Dock
- Western Pipe & Steel
- Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation
- Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation
- Federal Shipbuilding & Drydock
- New Jersey Shipyard
- Federal Shipbuilding & Drydock
- New York Shipbuilding
Asbestos Exposure in Navy Installations
AlabamaArkansasCalifornia- Long Beach Naval Shipyard
- Rough and Ready Island Naval Supply Depot
- Santa Rosa Naval Auxiliary Landing Field (NALF)
- Fleet & Industrial Supply Center
- Mare Island Naval Shipyard
- El Centro Naval Air Facility
- Hunters Point Naval Shipyard
- Imperial Beach Naval Radio Receiving Station
- Naval Base San Diego (32nd Street)
- Naval Industrial Reserve Repair Facility
- Oak Knoll Naval Hospital
- North Island Naval Air Station
- Naval Station Treasure Island
- San Pedro Naval Base
- Lemoore Naval Air Station
- San Diego Naval Training Center
- Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station
- San Francisco Bay Naval Shipyard
- Point Mugu Naval Air Station
- China Naval Air Weapons Station
- Oxnard Pacific Missile Test Center
- Alameda Naval Supply Center
- Alameda Naval Air Station
- Hurley Marine Works
- Port Hueneme Naval Construction Battalion Center
- Southwest Marine
- San Diego Naval Supply Depot
- Moffett Federal Airfield
- Tiburon United States Navy Net Depot
- Norwalk Fuel Distribution Station
- New London Naval Submarine Base
- Windsor Naval Nuclear Reactors Division
- New London Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC)
- Luders Marine Construction, Stamford
- DeLand Naval Air Station
- Orlando Naval Hospital
- Pensacola Naval Communications Training Center
- Key West Naval Air Station
- Fort Lauderdale Naval Air Station
- Vero Beach Naval Air Operational Training Station
- Pensacola Naval Air Station
- Orlando Naval Training Center
- Melbourne Naval Air Station
- Yellow Water Naval Air Gunnery School
- Naval Air Station Whiting Field
- Cecil Field Naval Air Station
- Lake City Gateway Airport
- Pensacola Naval Hospital
- Sanford Air Operational Training Station
- Jacksonville Naval Air Station
- Camp Decatur
- Camp Lawrence
- Camp Perry
- Camp Ross
- Camp Dewey
- Camp Farragut
- Forest Park Naval Ordnance Station
- Glenview Naval Air Station
- Great Lakes Naval Station
- Great Lakes Naval Training Center
- Great Lakes Navy Regional Finance Center
- Naval Surface Warfare Center
- Bainbridge Naval Training Center
- Bethesda Naval Hospital
- U.S. Naval Propellant Plant
- Annapolis U.S. Naval Experimental Station
- Annapolis United States Naval Hospital
- The Naval Ordnance Laboratory (NOL)
- Annapolis United States Naval Academy
- U.S. Naval Powder Factory
- East Boston Navy Fuel & Oil Depot
- Boston Navy Yard
- Chelsea Naval Hospital
- New Bedford Defense Products
- South Boston Naval Drydock
- Weymouth Naval Air Station South
- Earle Naval Weapons Station
- New York Shipbuilding
- Newfoundland Naval Supply Depot
- Bayonne Naval Drydock
- Naval Air Warfare Center Trenton
- Brooklyn Naval Hospital
- Iona Island Naval Ammunition Depot
- Scotia Navy Purchasing Office
- Sampson Naval Training Base
- Atlantic Basin Iron Works
- Brooklyn Navy Yard
- Tongue Point Naval Air Station
- Albina Engine & Marine Shipyard
- Swan Island Shipyard
- Oregon Shipbuilding Corporation
- Naval Hospital Philadelphia
- Willow Grove Naval Air Station
- Philadelphia Naval Shipyard
- Cramp Shipbuilding
- Navy Regional Finance Center
- Atlantic Reserve Fleet Naval Base
- Mechanicsburg Naval Supply Depot
- Bradford Naval Coal Depot
- Goat Island Naval Torpedo Station
- Davisville Naval Construction Battalion Center
- Newport Naval Station
- Naval Air Station Hitchcock
- Corpus Christi Naval Air Station
- Dallas Naval Air Station
- Texas Naval Hospital
- Goliad Naval Outlying Field
- Norfolk Naval Shipyard
- Chincoteague Naval Auxiliary Air Station
- Norfolk Atlantic Intelligence Command
- Norfolk Naval Station
- Arlington Navy Annex
- Alexandria Naval Torpedo Station
- Oceana Naval Air Station
- Drydock Number One
- Little Creek Naval Amphibious Base
- Yorktown Naval Fuel & Oil Depot
- Yorktown Navy Mine Depot
- Whidbey Island Naval Air Station
- Spokane Naval Supply Depot
- Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction
- Seattle Naval Station Puget Sound
- Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
Asbestos Law Firms Near You
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