Compensation for Navy Veterans Exposed to Asbestos on USS LCI (L-790)

Navy veterans who served on the USS LCI (L-790), if you're facing mesothelioma or lung cancer, you deserve answers and support. Explore options for justice – calculate your potential compensation and connect with a trusted asbestos law firm in your area.

Navy Mesothelioma Legal Options
Compensation Requirements
  • Served Aboard: USS LCI (L-790)
  • Between: 1944 - 2023
  • Discharge Status: Honorable
Asbestos Claims and Available Compensation for Mesothelioma Victims in ,

USS LCI (L-790)

The USS LCI (L-790) was laid down on July 4, 1944, and then subsequently launched a month later on August 5, 1944. The ship was built by the New Jersey Shipyard in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Just a week after its launch, the vessel was commissioned on August 12, 1944.

USS LCI (L-790): Compensation Calculator

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USS LCI (L-790) Mesothelioma & Lung Cancer Compensation Calculator

Get a comprehensive mesothelioma or lung cancer compensation estimate after asbestos exposure at USS LCI (L-790). Follow a few quick steps to receive your personalized result in seconds.

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Asbestos & Mesothelioma Law Firm Near You

If you are a Navy veteran diagnosed with mesothelioma or asbestos lung cancer and need immediate legal assistance, including answers about your VA benefits, please contact a leading asbestos mesothelioma law firm near you for a 100% free legal consultation today.

Flint Cooper is Helping Asbestos Victims for Over 30 Years

Flint Cooper provides expert legal counsel and powerful advocacy for mesothelioma clients.