Bondex Asbestos Trust Fund: Claim Types, Payments and Legal Options
Learn about the Bondex Trust's purpose, functions, and the seamless process for asbestos personal injury claim submissions and resolutions.

Introduction to Bondex Asbestos Trust
The Bondex Trust is a pivotal institution that has been structured in alignment with the Joint Plan of Reorganization of various leading firms. Its primary objective is to address and manage asbestos-related personal injury claims, ensuring fairness and uniformity for all claimants.
Bondex Asbestos Trust Purpose and Functions
Established as an initiative under the combined plan of Specialty Products Holding Corp., Bondex International, Inc., Republic Powdered Metals, Inc., and NMBFiL, Inc., the Bondex Trust has been organized with a clear mission.
This trust's primary purpose is to efficiently process, liquidate, and compensate all genuine asbestos personal injury claims. This mission is carried out in strict accordance with the Trust Distribution Procedures (TDP) of the Specialty Products Holding Corporation. The TDP ensures that every claim under the Bondex Trust, whether currently existing or arising in the future, is treated with fairness, equity, and consistency.
Bondex Asbestos Trust Claim Submission and Resolution
For those interested in submitting claims or seeking further information, the Claims Processing Facility, Inc. serves as the primary point of contact.
Bondex Asbestos Trust Current Payment by Claim Type
Current payment amounts for each type of claim:
Mesothelioma Claims:
- Expedited Review: $80,000
- Individual Review: $300,000
- Ratio*: 29.5%
Lung Cancer Claims:
- Expedited Review: $33,333
- Individual Review: $120,000
- Ratio*: 29.5%
* The trust funds ensure a fixed percentage of compensation known as a "ratio", which reserves funds for potential future victims based on the claim's worth.
Bondex Asbestos Products
- 100-A All Purpose Joint Cement
- 200-B All Purpose Joint Cement
- 500-C All Purpose Joint Cement
- Alumanation 301
- Alumanation 350
- Aluminum Roof Coating
- Block Filler and Primer
- Bondek Black Mastic
- Bondek Roof Cement
- Bondek Roof Coating
- Bontone Fibred Masonry Coating
- Brod Dugan Red-I-Mix Joint Cement
- Cook’s Lifeline All Purpose Texture Joint and Topping Cement
- Dramex Interior Finish
- Dramex Ready Mixed Interior Finish
- Dramex Ready Mixed Textured Paint
- Dramex Spanish Texturing Paint
- Dramex Texture Paint
- F.O. Pierce Dramex
- Formula 1031
- GSA Joint Compound
- Handy Patch All Purpose Patcher
- Heavy Duty Liquid Aluminum Roof Coating
- Hi & Dri Joint Cement
- Hi & Dri Topping Cement
- Joint Compound
- Metro Interior Finish (NYC only)
- Metro Spanish Texture Paint (NYC only)
- Metro Texturing (NYC only)
- Mobil Home Aluminum Roof Coating
- Multi-Patch
- NPD All Purpose Joint Cement
- NPD SX Joint Cement
- NPD SX Joint Cement Combination (kit with joint tape)
- Our Best Grade" Joint Cement
- Penncraft Block Filler
- Penncraft Joint Cement
- Penncraft Pre-Mixed Joint Cement
- Penncraft Water Putty
- Perma-Plastic
- Permaroof
- "Premium Joint Compound"
- Pre-Mixed Joint Cement
- Reardon’s 500-C All Purpose Joint Cement
- Reardon’s All Purpose Joint Cement
- Reardon’s All Purpose Joint Topping and Texture Paint
- Reardon’s Block Filler and Primer
- Reardon’s Handy Patch All Purpose Patcher
- Reardon’s Pre-Mixed Joint Cement
- Reardon’s Ready-Mixed Joint Cement
- Reardon’s SX Joint Cement
- Reardon’s SX Topping Cement
- Reardon’s Water Putty
- "Stays White" Mobile Home Roof Coating
- SX Joint Cement
- SX Topping Cement
- Trax Joint Cement
- Trax Texture Paint
- Trax Topping Cement
- Wards All Purpose Joint Cement (Ready-Mixed)
- Wards Texture
- Wards Wood Putty
- Water Putty (Wood Putty)
Bondex Trust Fund Asbestos Exposure Calculator
National average for mesothelioma lawsuit settlements typically range from $1.1 million to $1.5 million while lung cancer settlements may range between $150,000 and $350,000. Use Asbestos Compensation Calculator for a personalized compensation estimate.
Bondex Trust Fund Mesothelioma & Lung Cancer Compensation Calculator
Get a comprehensive mesothelioma or lung cancer compensation estimate after asbestos exposure form products related to Bondex Asbestos Trust Fund. Follow a few quick steps to receive your personalized result in seconds.
Asbestos & Mesothelioma Law Firm Near You
National law firms, with their experience in handling cases and trust fund claims across the country, can be a smart choice. Opting for a nationwide firm means you'll have a team of lawyers who know the ins and outs of asbestos cases in every state. They'll figure out the best place to file your claim and make sure it's done within the legal deadlines, all to get you the maximum possible compensation.
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